Journalists Use AI Technologies Cautiously

Journalists Use AI Technologies Cautiously



AI is booming. However, AI has always been perceived as a threat, especially among journalists. According to the “State of the Media Report 2024” by Cision, one in four journalists sees AI as a potential danger.




AI Usage in Newsrooms
Over half of journalists (53%) do not use AI at all. At least 28% use AI somewhat, while 12% of journalists reported using AI at a low level. Only 5% of journalists frequently use AI, according to the Cision study.

Journalists Use AI Technologies Cautiously

Data Source: CISION: 2024 – State of the Media Report, p. 18. Graphics: Own Graphics


For What Topics Do Journalists Use AI?
What do journalists use AI for, if they use it at all? For research (23%), to assist in creating outlines or initial drafts of content (19%), to develop new story ideas (13%), to gather ideas for interview questions (11%), to create multimedia content (videos, images, etc.) (8%), and finally, to learn more about their audience (5%).

Journalists Use AI Technologies Cautiously

Own Graphic, Data: Cision: “State of the Media” Reports, p. 19

Since it may be helpful for IR departments to offer such resources themselves to thus build long-term media contacts, these insights into AI usage provide valuable information for media relations from an IR (Investor Relations) perspective. This raises several questions from an IR standpoint: What topics are financial journalists focusing on? Which financial journalists are covering your industry? What topic suggestions can be offered to journalists? for the study also shows that journalists, besides press releases (74%), also would primarily like to have information on trends, market data, and research reports (74%). So it’s about simplifying the job of financial journalists!