


Videos are now an essential part of IR. According to a study by the CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION, the younger generation of investors particularly prefers this format – whether it’s content from media and financial influencers or from companies.

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Videos are now an essential part of IR. According to a study by the CENTER FOR RESEARCH IN FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION, the younger generation of investors particularly prefers this format – whether it’s content from media and financial influencers or from companies.

So, if a company wants to embrace or enhance this trend in communication, what types of content and formats make sense?



The classic video content of IR…
Many companies offer event recordings of live events. These can include recordings of past general meetings or other events, such as webinars on interim figures like half-yearly results. Also popular are explanatory videos, which can demonstrate the technologies used in a company or give tours of the company. Interviews are also frequently used, for example interviews with the company’s CEO.

… and the creative video formats
Beyond this, there are some creative formats. Therewith, Allianz Research has brought the video series “Ask me anything with Allianz Research” to life. Hereby, Allianz employees are questioned on topics, whereby imagery substantiates the answers to questions visually.

Udemy, a US educational technology company, takes another approach when creating video content for investors. The company won an IR Magazine Award for its use of social media and videos. Dennis Walsh, Vice President of Investor Relations at Udemy, uses various video formats to engage investors. These include discussions with corporate customers like Cisco on platform usage, conversations with instructors about course structures, and product demonstrations. These videos serve to familiarize stakeholders with Udemy and deepen understanding of the company.

Video formats and SmallCaps?
Are all these formats only feasible for IR departments with corresponding manpower? No, not at all. Many small-cap companies demonstrate how to produce exciting video content with a small financial budget and little time, as well.