Time Constraints in IR

Time Constraints in IR


Every week we publish an IR press review with exciting topics related to IR. And every week we look at the number of hits on the most read articles. What do you think are the topics that readers are most interested in? ESG? Yes, that is usually quite far ahead. “Sea change in research costs”? Interestingly enough, no. 

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The Asset Management Industry in Changing Times

The Asset Management Industry in Changing Times


According to a forecast by management consultancy PwC, around 16 percent of asset and wealth managers will either merge or disappear from the market by 2027. This consolidation is mainly a result of increasing digitization, changing investor expectations and an increased focus on retail customers. The industry is also worried about inflation and volatility in the capital markets.

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Confusing Variance: ESG Ratings Show Significant Differences

Confusing Variance: ESG Ratings Show Significant Differences


ESG ratings have become an important tool in the financial world to assess the sustainability performance of companies. However, the ESG ratings market is under increasing pressure and is drawing much criticism for opaque methods and possible conflicts of interest. In addition, there are significant deviations in the ESG ratings issued by different rating agencies, especially for individual companies.

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We are pleased to announce that the second issue of IR-Spotlight Magazine for 2023 contains new and exciting articles on Investor Relations! Here are the highlights of the IR-Spotlight Q2 2023. A small excerpt from the magazine: 
SMALL- & MICROCAP IR: Strong Dominance of Small Foreign Shares grows – Increasing Visibility in the Financial Community with LinkedIn – Small-Cap IR & IR Insight
IR INSIGHT: Chatbot Becomes a Work Tool – Digital Helpers for IR Teams
ESG: The CFO as an Architect of Sustainability – Green hushing: Silence on Green Goals Is Not Golden
And upcoming IR events… Here you can download the current Q2 IR-SPOTLIGHT Magazine:

Growing Criticism of Virtual General Meetings

Growing Criticism of Virtual General Meetings


“An AGM is not a zoom event!” – there is no shortage of bold statements when it comes to the growing criticism of the still-widespread practice holding general meetings online. The legal framework for this has been set out in the political sphere. On 7 July 2022, a bill from the traffic light coalition was passed by a broad parliamentary majority. 

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Brexit Undermines the Attractiveness of the City of London

Brexit Undermines the Attractiveness of the City of London

Brexit is having a direct impact on London’s attractiveness as a global hub for financial transactions. The latest analysis by the City of London Corporation concludes that the London Stock Exchange now has to share its status as investors’ undisputed favourite with the New York Stock Exchange. At the same time, other trading venues such as Singapore, Paris or Frankfurt have gained ground as well. 

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Chatbot Becomes A Work Tool

Chatbot Becomes A Work Tool

DVFA survey underpins growing role of ChatGPT for German IR professionals.

ChatGPT, developed by the US company OpenAI and financed by Microsoft, can respond to any user input in chat style. Since November 2022, the chatbot has been publicly accessible as a prototype of a text-based dialogue system. 

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Digital Helpers for IR teams

Digital Helpers for IR teams

Editorial work is one of the areas of IR in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) already facilitates routine activities. Tools such as ChatGPT from OpenAI or Claude from Anthropic are used to draw up texts. Quarterly and annual reports are one relevant area. Passages about business figures and the company balance sheet are usually only reformulations of other text passages. Other types of text, such as internal and external reports, can also be automated. However, AI has long been a help when it comes to illustrating presentations.

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Green Hushing: Silence On Green Goals Is Not Golden

Green Hushing: Silence On Green Goals Is Not Golden


The loud voices in the ESG universe that want to give themselves a green image with misleading slogans and empty promises (known as “greenwashing”) have long been an integral part of all sustainability debates. Far less well-known is the exact opposite, known as “green hushing”. This term refers to all measures taken by companies to hide their climate strategies.

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Strong Dominance of Small Foreign Shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Strong Dominance of Small Foreign Shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange


Companies from the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Australia dominate the market.

Foreign equities are trendy on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. If you look at the figures for the values traded in Frankfurt, this is astonishing: over 13,000 companies from abroad are tradable in Frankfurt. In contrast, there are just under 700 German companies that can be traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

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