The Challenge of IR Strategy

The Challenge of IR Strategy

The development of an IR strategy presents IR departments with new challenges every year: For example, is it precisely defined which tasks IR has to fulfill? What are the IR’s objectives? Where are the gaps between the objectives and the current situation?  Which IR instruments can be used to achieve the IR goals? In what time frame and with what budget? And how can the achievement of IR goals be made measurable?

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The area of responsibility of IR is growing and growing …

The area of responsibility of IR is growing and growing ...

The history of Investor Relations can look back on a 66-year history. Its origins date back to 1953, the year in which the US company General Electric launched a communications program aimed specifically at private investors. Its name: Investor Relations (IR).

Since then, a lot has happened in the area of responsibility. Today, communication with private investors is only a small part of our daily work.

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MiFID II and its impact on Research, Roadshows & Conferences

MiFID II and its impact on Research, Roadshows & Conferences

In the run-up to MiFID II, there were many forecasts as to how Research & Corporate Access would develop from a corporate perspective.

Thus it was often predicted that small caps, according to MiFIDII, would have little or no coverage and no sell side roadshows and one-on-ones by brokers.

Mid Caps – so the forecast, would be able to fall back only over less than 5 analysts, which would be paid by the Buy Side.

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Activism and Investor Relations: Current Trends, Effect, and Solution

Activism and Investor Relations: Current Trends, Effect, and Solution

Corporations of this century have seen a lot and undergone dramatic changes especially in corporate governance, activism and investor relations.

A typical activist shareholder is the one who tries to use his or her equity stake in order to achieve certain goals, bring the change, and affect how a corporation behaves by influencing other shareholders or using his/her voting power.

On the other hand, a minority shareholder is the one who owns less than 50% of the total shares of a corporation’s stocks. 

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Retail IR – An Underestimated Component of IR

Retail IR - An Underestimated Component of IR

In their IR work, most companies tend to focus on institutional investors, portfolio managers, asset managers and equity analysts. But the environment is changing and there is a noticeable, continuous change in the market. Retail investors have a significant impact on the market and are becoming more influential players in the investor world.

The phrase “Esprit de corps” is perfect for small investors. A single investor cannot let the share price of your company fluctuate upwards or downwards.

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Digital Investor Relations: Companies can no longer avoid it


Digital Investor Relations: Companies can no longer avoid it

While a few years ago the investment community was reluctant to include digital media and social media in its approach, today it can hardly escape digitalization. This is the result of several surveys carried out in different parts of the European Union. Although there are several factors causing this shift in the IR ecosystem, the MiFID II directives have certainly contributed to triggering this effect. Which digital communication channels do companies use? Will the relevance of digital media increase?

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Measuring Investor Relations


Measuring Investor Relations <p> </p>

Investor Relations Officers (IROs) are of great importance for listed companies due to their considerable communication function. They provide companies with access to the financial markets, their players and capital. It is undisputed that IROs have extremely expanded their raison d’être over the past decades and play a significant role in the growth and success of listed companies. This raises the question of the extent to which investor relations contributes to the achievement of corporate goals.

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Investor Relations & Compliance


Investor Relations & Compliance

Compliance with statutory capital market regulations – one of the central tasks of investor relations – is becoming increasingly widespread. Whether the expansion and tightening of directors’ dealings, ad hoc publicity, insider lists, voting rights notifications, annual and semi-annual reports, corporate governance – the list of requirements is becoming longer and longer. The sanctions imposed by BaFin are becoming ever stricter. Courts impose penalties on issuers and company employees in the millions.

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Crisis Management & Communication throughout the Crisis


Crisis Management & Communication throughout the Crisis

Crises naturally come suddenly and unexpectedly – so good preparation is all the more necessary in order to avert or minimise corporate losses! But what are typical IR triggers for a crisis?

Economic crises are primarily triggered by economic disfavor factors and negative events. Global economic crises take first place in a possible crisis ranking (28%). In the following, 17% of the crises are mainly caused by general business triggers.

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Shareholder Value & Investor Relations


Shareholder value – a frequently discussed approach. What are the goals of the shareholder value approach? To put it simply: the consideration of the interests of the shareholders. The aim is to increase the value of equity. So a corporate policy based on shareholder value will try to increase the price of the shares.

Unfortunately, the price of shares can only be increased directly to a limited extent. The price of a share is subject to many factors. For example, the economy. Or even emotional factors.

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